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Categories RENS & NRENS
Through its work providing bandwidth to advanced research institutions as well as schools and libraries, CENIC is uniquely able to see the future of data networking technology and the rapidly increasing demand for capacity. Recognizing this, the California Public Utilities Commission included CENIC at the table to discuss the future of California’s communications grid.
Categories Cultural & Scientific Libraries RENS & NRENS
Tags conference imls nsf
Two federal agencies, the National Science Foundation and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, recognize that robust broadband is essential to discovering and disseminating knowledge. Both organizations offer grant funding to advance broadband services and create connected communities. Hear about successful projects and upcoming grant opportunities.
Categories RENS & NRENS
These days, R&E networks find themselves at a crossroads with big-data science bringing increasing demands and budgets that have not kept pace. Read about ways the networks are stepping up to provide the high-speed connectivity and customized services that bolster scientific discovery and promote digital access.
Categories Cultural & Scientific RENS & NRENS
Tags earthquake esnet nsf seismometers
Fiber-optic cables, like those in CENIC’s CalREN network and used for internet services everywhere, might eventually serve dual purposes — used not only to transmit data, but also to provide earthquake measurements, and maybe even safety alerts.
Categories RENS & NRENS The CENIC Community
Engineers in CENIC's Network Operations Center are the first point of contact for all member services, answering calls and emails 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In this installment of "Life Inside CENIC," Manager Stanley Han says high-level skills, teamwork, and a free flow of knowledge sharing help his team achieve their goals.
Categories Independent Universities RENS & NRENS
With the Woolsey wildfire closing in on its campus, Pepperdine University worked with CENIC to save critical internet service and keep the university’s communication lines open for parents, students, faculty, and staff to stay informed during the emergency. Engineers responded quickly, many volunteered to help, and partners collaborated with agility.
Categories RENS & NRENS
More than 50% of the world’s population is now connected online. CENIC joined internet pioneers and visionaries to mark the historic event and discuss digital inclusion, community resiliency, and the future of work. CENIC’s goals align with these themes as our staff work to extend and improve CalREN. Hear the highlights and get involved.
CENIC, UC Merced, and the National Park Service are collaborating to get Internet access to the new NatureBridge campus in 2019, which will offer many benefits and support environmental education for youths far and wide.
Categories University of California RENS & NRENS
Tags calit2 machine learning national research platform national science foundation prp virtual reality
Researchers are developing intelligent devices that predict and prevent deadly falls among the elderly by using machine learning that is supported by the cyberinfrastructure of the Pacific Research Platform.
Categories CCCs RENS & NRENS
Available to students at any accredited college or university, CENIC's paid, part-time internship presents a thorough, hands-on inroad to the world of computer networking. Past interns have come from a variety of educational backgrounds, and have found the internship helped hone their career directions. Hear about their experiences and advice.