
Press releases

Innovations in Public Libraries: The California Library Broadband Initiative

Innovations in Public Libraries: The California Library Broadband Initiative

With the California State Library, CENIC, and Califa’s Library Initiative underway, the timeliness and relevance of an examination of broadband in the state’s public libraries couldn’t be better. In this Monday session, a great perspective on where things stand now, where they are headed, and how California will get there was provided by Tom Fortin (San Mateo County Library), Derek Wolrfgram (Redwood City Public Library), and Cliff Frost (CENIC).

Science DMZ as a Security Architecture

Science DMZ as a Security Architecture

ESnet's Mike Sinatra looks at how Science DMZ can solve -- and can't solve -- problems relating to network security

High-Performance Big-Science Pacific Research Platform Debuts at CENIC 2015 Annual Conference

High-Performance Big-Science Pacific Research Platform Debuts at CENIC 2015 Annual Conference

100-Gigabit Upgrade for CENIC’s California Research & Education Network

The Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) announced the completion of a 100-Gigabits-per-second (Gbps) upgrade for the core backbone of the California Research & Education Network (CalREN), the 3,800-mile fiber-based advanced network currently serving the Golden State’s research and education communities, including the California K-12 System, California’s Community Colleges, the California State University, the University of California, and many private universities including Caltech, Stanford, and USC, as well as a rapidly growing list of other institutions.

Pacific Wave Announces Diverse 40G TransPacific Capacity to Australia and New Zealand

Categories Press Release

Tags aarnet reannz

Pacific Wave</a> today announced the completion of a second 40-Gigabit per second (Gb/s) connection from the US West Coast to Australia and New Zealand. Crossing the Pacific Ocean from Los Angeles through the Big Island of Hawaii and on to Australia, this ultra-high-performance network link complements an existing 40 Gb/s link from Seattle through Oahu to Australia.

100-Gigabit Connectivity to Pacific Wave International Peering Exchange for ESnet

Categories CSU Press Release

Tags esnet

Pacific Wave announced the completion of a 100-Gigabit connection for the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), the high-speed computer network serving US Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories and scientific facilities. With the completion of this new connection in Sunnyvale, CA, ESnet has upgraded its peering capabilities to research networks in 40 countries throughout the Pacific Rim and beyond.

John Dundas III Appointed Vice President and CTO of CENIC

Categories Press Release

President & CEO Louis Fox is pleased to announce the appointment of John Dundas III as Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of CENIC. Formerly the Director of Voice and Data Networks in the Information Management Systems and Services Department at the California Institute of Technology, Dundas has been part of CENIC since its inception in 1997.

David Reese Appointed CENIC Vice President for Infrastructure Strategy and Security

Categories Press Release

Tags security

CENIC President & CEO Louis Fox is pleased to announce that Dave Reese will become Vice President for Infrastructure Strategy and Security, focusing on CENIC's infrastructure and network security strategies.

Merit Network Launches Internet2 NET+ Program for CENIC Members

Merit Network Launches Internet2 NET+ Program for CENIC Members

Merit Network, Inc. and Internet2 announced today the launch of participation in the Internet2 NET+ Regional Partner Program for members of CENIC, the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California. Eligible CENIC Members now have the opportunity to purchase a diverse suite of Internet2 NET+ Services from leading brands at best-in-class pricing through Merit.

Governor's Budget Approved with $3.3m for CA Library Project

Governor's Budget Approved with $3.3m for CA Library Project

On January 9, Governor Jerry Brown released his much anticipated January 2014-15 Budget proposal at a press conference at the State Capitol. Most notably, the Governor has indicated his strong support of CLA’s lobbying effort to secure funding in the state Budget for a statewide, broadband infrastructure project benefitting public libraries by including $3.3 million in his proposal released today.