
Blog: Tag Archives: network

CENIC’s Integrated, Multi-Tool Approach to Network Configuration Management

At the CENIC Biennial Conference, network engineers discussed Network Configuration Management (NCM) at CENIC – how and why it was implemented, the components that comprise it, how it’s used, and its potential for the future.

PRP Boosts Inter-Campus Collaboration on Brain Research

Neuroscience researchers at the University of California Santa Cruz, University of California San Francisco, and Washington University in St. Louis use the cloud-scale Pacific Research Platform and National Research Platform to share and compute massive open-source datasets, accelerating experiment times from weeks to mere hours.

The Kids Are Online — and Alright: Unexpected Benefits of Broadband Access

Categories Healthcare K-12

Teens, especially in underserved areas, benefit from Internet access in terms of physical and mental health, and social and political connection. CENIC’s conference served as a valuable venue for Camille Crittenden to incubate her ideas, present preliminary concepts, receive valuable feedback, and gauge community interest.

CENIC and Alameda Peer to Connect Students to Saildrone and Berkeley Lab

A new SFI agreement between CENIC and the City of Alameda is a model for local governments that wish to connect technology and R&D companies in their region with a state’s research and education institutions.

Bringing Internet Access to Environmental Education in Yosemite

CENIC, UC Merced, and the National Park Service are collaborating to get Internet access to the new NatureBridge campus in 2019, which will offer many benefits and support environmental education for youths far and wide.