
News: Tag Archives: conference

CENIC Recognizes IceCube Team for Accelerating Data Processing to Advance Scientific Discovery

CENIC Recognizes IceCube Team for Accelerating Data Processing to Advance Scientific Discovery

In recognition of work to accelerate data processing capabilities and advance research conducted across the California Research and Education Network and the Pacific Research Platform, the IceCube Cloud Compute Takeover Team has been selected to receive the 2020 Award for Experimental Applications.

CENIC Recognizes KREONET for Demonstrating Long-Distance, High-Performance Data Transfers

CENIC Recognizes KREONET for Demonstrating Long-Distance, High-Performance Data Transfers

In recognition of work on international cyberinfrastructure research and development, the Korea Research Environment Open NETwork (KREONET) is being awarded the 2020 CENIC Innovations in Networking Award for Research Applications.

CENIC Recognizes California Community Colleges for Developing the Student Onboarding Platform MyPath

CENIC Recognizes California Community Colleges for Developing the Student Onboarding Platform MyPath

Categories CCCs

CENIC has selected the California Community Colleges as a recipient of the 2020 Innovations in Networking Award for Educational Applications in recognition of its online student services portal, CCC MyPath, which helps millions of students seamlessly navigate through their educational journeys.

CENIC Honors David Reese for Lifetime of Creating & Developing R&E Networks in CA, the US & Abroad

CENIC Honors David Reese for Lifetime of Creating & Developing R&E Networks in CA, the US & Abroad

In recognition of his work as a pioneer, enabler, and leader in the research and education community, David Reese is being recognized posthumously with CENIC’s 2020 Christine Haska Distinguished Service Award, which honors individuals who have provided extraordinary leadership and service to the CENIC community.

Zettar Announced Overall Winner of Data Mover Challenge at SupercomputingAsia 2019

Seven international teams competed in the inaugural Data Mover Challenge during the SupercomputingAsia 2019 conference recently. The StarLight/iCAIR team won the Most Innovative Award for their flexible framework to support large data transfers. CENIC is proud to be a supporter of the challenge.

CENIC Recognizes John Delaney and Interactive Oceans for Revolutionizing Ocean Research

For transforming ocean research with fiber optic cables, cameras, and sensors that relay subsea images and data to scientists around the world in real time, University of Washington Professor John Delaney is being recognized with CENIC’s 2019 Innovations in Networking Award for Research Applications.

CENIC Recognizes CenturyLink for Supporting High-Speed Broadband for Research & Education Community

CENIC Recognizes CenturyLink for Supporting High-Speed Broadband for Research & Education Community

Categories RENS & NRENS

For committing to support CENIC and understanding the importance of high-speed broadband for the research and education communities in California, CenturyLink is being recognized with CENIC’s 2019 Innovations in Networking Award for Corporate Partner.

CENIC Recognizes USC-Caltech Team for Record-Breaking Data Transfer Rates

CENIC Recognizes USC-Caltech Team for Record-Breaking Data Transfer Rates

For setting a new record for data transfer rates that will enable researchers to tackle massive datasets faster and satisfy unprecedented scientific needs, a team of computer scientists and network engineers led by the University of Southern California in collaboration with California Institute of Technology is being recognized with CENIC’s 2019 Innovations in Networking Award for Experimental Applications.

CENIC Recognizes Irvine Schools for Leveraging High-Speed Broadband to Transform K-12 Education

CENIC Recognizes Irvine Schools for Leveraging High-Speed Broadband to Transform K-12 Education

For leveraging the power of high-speed broadband to transform education, the Irvine Unified School District in Southern California is being recognized with the CENIC 2019 Innovations in Networking Award for Educational Applications.

CENIC Recognizes ESnet for Partnership to Support Open and Secure Data-Intensive Scientific Research

CENIC Recognizes ESnet for Partnership to Support Open and Secure Data-Intensive Scientific Research

Categories RENS & NRENS

For collaborating on cybersecurity, network design, and technology adoption to enrich and extend the CENIC network, the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) is being recognized with the CENIC 2019 Innovations in Networking Award for R&E Network Partner.