
The Network Startup Resource Center and Steven Huter Awarded the 2017 Innovations in Networking Award

In recognition of work to improve network infrastructure, facilitate collaboration, and build professional capacity in countries around the world, the Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) and its Director, Steven Huter, have been selected by the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) as recipients of the 2017 Innovations in Networking Award for Broadband Applications.

Christina DiCaro and Michael Dillon Awarded the 2017 Innovations in Networking Award for Libraries

Christina DiCaro and Michael Dillon Awarded the 2017 Innovations in Networking Award for Broadband Applications

California Community Colleges Technology Center Awarded the 2017 Innovations in Networking Award

Categories CCCs

In recognition of their work to develop a system-wide federated identity for students across the 113 California Community Colleges, the California Community Colleges Technology Center has been selected by CENIC as a recipient of the 2017 Innovations in Networking Award. Individuals named in the award include Tim Calhoon, Executive Director; Lou Delzompo, Chief Technology Officer; Patricia Donohue, Product Manager; Roberto Fuentes, Supervisor, Support Services; and Jeff Holden, Chief Information Security Officer.

Tom DeFanti Awarded Innovations In Networking Award for Outstanding Individual Contributions

In recognition of his work to develop next generation networks, advance the mission of Calit2, and shape collaborations across organizations, CENIC recognizes Tom DeFanti, an internationally recognized pioneer in visualization and virtual reality technologies at Calit2, University of California San Diego, as the recipient of the 2017 Innovations in Networking Award for Outstanding Individual Contributions.

Naval Postgraduate School Joins the CENIC Community as a Charter Associate

The CENIC Board of Directors announced today that the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) is now recognized as a CENIC Charter Associate. Charter Associates comprise the CENIC Board of Directors and set policy and guide the organization, as well as have full access to CENIC’s entire portfolio of networks and services.

CENIC and UC ANR team up to provide research scientists with super-fast Internet connectivity

The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division (UC ANR) and the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) have connected key UC ANR facilities to CENIC’s ultra-fast 100Gbps research and education network, extending ultra-broadband capacity to UC researchers in rural sites across California.

High-Speed Rail and CENIC Join Forces to Create California Broadband Communities

As a part of the high-speed rail system corridor, the Authority and CENIC will create an ultra-fast broadband network, connecting into CENIC’s statewide research and education network, as well as to other public and private sector broadband networks.

California Department of Technology and City of Sacramento Connect to CENIC, the Premier Research and Education Digital Network

California Department of Technology and City of Sacramento Connect to CENIC, the Premier Research and Education Digital Network Government Collaboration to Benefit All Public Entities

Los Angeles Connects to 100 Gbps Education Network

Los Angeles leaders say they hope to encourage other cities to do as they have and join the infrastructure connecting California's education and research worlds.

City of Los Angeles to tap into CENIC’S CalREN, California's High-Speed Research Internet Backbone

As the first large city government to join CENIC, California’s ultra-fast 100Gbps research and education network, Los Angeles will build stronger digital connections to California's innovators, researchers, educators, and students.