
CENIC Membership

In 1996, visionary leaders at the University of California, Stanford, California State University, California Community Colleges, USC, and Caltech came together to create CENIC. Over time, the state’s K-12 education system, California Public Libraries, and the Naval Postgraduate School joined as Charter Associates.

The mission of the nonprofit organization created by these original charter associates was to connect California to the world — advancing education and research statewide by providing a world-class network essential for innovation, collaboration, and economic growth. Serving these core institutions is our charter.

CENIC provides cost-effective, high-bandwidth networking to support the missions of our members — responding to the needs of their faculties, staff, students, and associated research groups — and to facilitate excellence in scientific, education, government, and private sector collaboration and innovation.

CENIC Membership Categories

Charter Associate: Founding and governing research and education members of CENIC that make up the Board of Directors to set policy and guide the organization, Charter Associates have full access to CENIC’s entire portfolio of networks and services. See complete lists of Charter Associates by segment >

Associate: Independent research, education, medical, or technology institutions and organizations that engage with and connect directly to the broader CENIC community, Associates have direct access to CENIC’s portfolio of networks and services. See Associates >

Sponsored Associate: Cultural, scientific, or artistic institutions or organizations with a close tie to a Charter Associate that serves as a sponsor, Sponsored Associates have direct access to an abbreviated portfolio of CENIC’s networks and services. See Sponsored Associates >

Auxiliary Associate: Smaller institutions and organizations that engage with the CENIC community, Auxiliary Associates have direct access to an abbreviated portfolio of networks and services. See Auxiliary Associates >

Affiliate: Education or research institutions and organizations that connect to CalREN through a Charter Associate that serves as a network access point, Affiliates make use of the CalREN network indirectly. See Affiliates >