
K12 Node RFP

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is released on behalf of the California K-12 High-Speed Network (K12HSN) and in support of providing quality high-speed broadband connectivity for schools statewide.

This Request for Proposal solicits responses from qualified service providers for various communications circuits and optional dark fiber segments across California. The physical addresses are provided in the attached exhibits. For the convenience of sorting and evaluation, responses must be submitted using the Circuit Pricing Worksheet (Exhibit D) and responses cannot be in PDF or locked spreadsheets. Bidders MUST respond using the RFP Pricing Worksheet. Supplemental pricing explanations are acceptable as long as the required Pricing Worksheet is used.

The Corporation for Educational Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) reserves the right to award all, some, or none of the circuits associated with this RFP, and CENIC may or may not be the ultimate customer-of-record for every circuit listed in this RFP. CENIC is acting as a consortium lead for the purposes of seeking bids and awarding contracts, and may also apply for E-rate and CTF discounts for awarded services on behalf of members of the consortium.

Download the RFP with attachments here >

Download Exhibit D Pricing Worksheet here >

Download the CENIC NDA here >

Download Exhibit C here >

Please look over our FAQ below for answers to all RFP questions before sending additional ones.