

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is released on behalf of the K12 High Speed Network (K12HSN) and in support of the California Department of Education’s Broadband Infrastructure Improvement Grant (BIIG) Program (http://biig.k12hsn.org), which provides broadband funding for school sites with inadequate capacity to administer computer-based online assessments.

This Request for Proposal solicits responses from qualified service providers for various communications circuits and optional dark fiber segments across California. For the convenience of sorting and evaluation, responses MUST include the Pricing Worksheet (Exhibit B) and responses cannot be in PDF or locked spreadsheets.

Time is of the essence for the procurement and installation of these services. With the anticipation of online student achievement testing to be administered, the program seeks services, wherever possible, be installed as quickly as possible. Installation timeline will be factored heavily in the award of any contracts.