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Tags calren update
The start of the current fiscal year saw a great deal of upgrade activity for several segments, including a new ultra-high-performance 100-Gigabit connection for the University of Southern California, the first such connection for a CENIC Associate, which was then joined by a 100G connection for UCLA. In addition, a 10-Gigabit connection to the CalREN-DC network tier was put into service for UC Davis.
Activity for the California State University included 10-Gigabit connections to the CalREN backbone node at Los Angeles for CSU Long Beach and to the node at Oakland for Humboldt State University. In addition to these, CSU Monterey Bay received two 10-Gigabit connections to the backbone nodes at Soledad and Sunnyvale. California's Community Colleges also received a new Gigabit connection for Feather River College.
For the California K-12 System, the Monterey County Office of Education obtained a 10-Gigabit connection to the CalREN backbone node at Soledad, and the Los Angeles Unified School District's administrative offices obtained a second 10-Gigabit connection to the backbone node at Tustin. Finally, Pepperdine University's connection to CalREN from their Malibu campus was upgraded to a full 1 Gigabit.
In addition to the above Associate upgrades, CENIC has also completed a new 100-Gigabit circuit to Internet2 in Los Angeles, as well as a Gigabit circuit to the San Francisco Jazz Organization SFJAZZ.
CENIC has also been carrying out much activity on behalf of California's libraries, as readers of this issue of CENIC Update will note. A 10-Gigabit connection to the Peninsula Library System has been deployed, although the individual branches of that library system have yet to upgrade their connections to the main library location, as well as a 1-Gigabit connection for the San Francisco Public Library. (Please note that the initial version of this newsletter erroneously stated that this was a 10-Gigabit connection.)
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